November 3, 2015

Dr. Paulette Richards, Executive Director of the Atlanta-based digital production company, Ayamedia, presented her work in creating lo-tech videos with her handmade puppets, challenging how we see and think about race and culture. Dr. Richards, a graduate of Georgetown University and the University of Virginia, is a scholar, teacher, videographer, and performing artist, planting seeds of change wherever she goes. Her work is compelling and significant, and draws primarily on social semiotic theory to develop students’ new media literacies. Dr. Richard uses the production of digital media to make students more aware of visual and other rhetorical strategies. More about Dr. Richards may be found here:

Pictured: T&T student Patricia Thomas, Dr. Kevin Meehan (English), and
Dr. Paulette Richards following Dr. Richards’ presentation at
the UCF Art Gallery on October 20.