June 2, 2014

A recent print Flying Horse Editions published with Carmon Colangelo is currently featured at the International Print Center New York.

New Prints 2014/Summer features 49 projects by 49 artists, culled from more than 3,000 prints. The collaborative image from Colangelo and Flying Horse Editions appears on the cover of the exhibition promotional materials.

New Prints 2014/Summer is the forty-eighth presentation of IPCNY’s New Prints Program, a series of juried exhibitions organized by IPCNY several times each year featuring prints made within the past twelve months.

Flying Horse Editions is the University of Central Florida’s fine art research facility and non-profit publisher of limited-edition prints, artist books, and art objects by internationally renowned artists. FHE offers artists the opportunity to work with FHE technicians to push the boundaries of their work while heightening the education of UCF students.

Carmon Colangelo is a widely exhibited artist known for large mixed-media prints that combine digital and traditional processes. His work has been collected by many of the nation’s leading museums and, over the last decade, has been featured in 15 solo shows and dozens of group exhibitions around the world.

IPCNY was established in Chelsea in September 2000 as the first and only non-profit institution devoted solely to the exhibition and understanding of fine art prints.