February 26, 2014

The film The Committee won the award for Best Documentary at the Love Your Shorts Film Festival in Sanford on Feb. 15.

The Committee was directed by faculty members Lisa Mills and Robert Cassanello. The 24-minute documentary was produced during the fall 2011 semester by a Honors Advanced Documentary Workshop class offered through the Burnett Honors College, the History Department and the School of Visual Arts and Design. The film was edited by Aaron Hose, a video producer in UCF’s Center for Distributed Learning.

The film tells about the Johns Committee, an investigative panel of the Florida Legislature from 1956 to 1964 that sought to root out homosexuals from state universities. The investigation, directed by Sen. Charlie Johns, lead to more than 200 students and teachers who were expelled or fired.

Photo Caption: left to right are Aaron Hosé, the editor and producer, Robert Cassanello, director and producer and Lisa Mills director and producer.